Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Bearded Angel

When my eldest grandson was 4 years old he was asked by his Children's Church teacher to make a replica of an angel; a messenger of GOD. Dylan drew a male angel with wings and a full beard and mustache. He was 4 years old. He showed it to me at home and I was surprised to see that Dylan had drawn an angel with a very dark, beard and a mustache that not at all colored like the rest of the angel which was light blue. I asked him why he drew the angel with such an unusual face. He tipped his head and examined the angel and said: "I dunno Pop Pop, I think that must be what an angel looks like." Long after the time Dylan ran off to go to bed, I looked at the angel again. It became clear to me. Dylan's view of GOD was deeply impacted by his relationship with his grandfather, the pastor. The mustached and bearded angel's manicured facial hair very closely resemble my own trademarked facial decor. He infused into his drawing the closest thing he knew to GOD. His grandfather. I was humbled and afraid. I never really experienced any flattery from his attribution. I knew far too well how far I was from being in the image of Christ. I am certainly a work in progress. The gospel song, "Please Be Patient with Me God Is Not Through with Me Yet" could very well be my theme song.

For children and for other grown folk who don't know GOD through Christ Jesus, we are the main piece of scripture they'll know. The only church service they see. It's how they will view GOD until they come to know Him for themselves. Just like Dylan knew GOD through his Pop Pop.

Jesus said, "Let your lights so shine fore men that they might see (observe and contemplate) your good works and (in turn) glorify your father in heaven." In this saying Christ gives to his followers an obligation to correct, loving, righteous behavior in the view of those who are not followers or disciples of Christ.

I have tucked the angel away with a number of cards, notes and drawings he made for me. Every now and then I'll pull the angel out and look at it. I am always stricken with the need to be an exemplary man, grandpa and minister in before him.

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